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Ok ok btw, why I'm sighing cos now I found the time to contribute on OUR blog.
Maybe I'm a bit naggy lah.
But at least I am trying.
Been trying to sign in and that sort but failed.
So finally when I came back home from a late lunch, I decided to call Yae-Ber.
Not her fault or anything.
Maybe I'm a dummy or idiot on these things.

Hello to all my fellow class ^6TULIP2007^!
I am happy to know that some took initiative to create and started a blog to share our moments,
sorrows, gladness, cheerie, joyous, overwhelming and many many.

A recent blog posted on wishing me Teacher's Day and also to Mdm Ho.
A very big thank you to all who did it effortless!
Honestly, it's always good to know if you guys are doing well and better.
If not, please don't hesitate to call or chat with me.
Always there for you.

Oh yeah..heard that Abby is leaving Msia?
When is the gathering?
Or shall I say farewell?
It's for the good she's leaving?
Wish her all the best in everything with her future and current endeavours!
Astala vista! Au Revoir! Auf Wiedersehen! Adios!
Take care!

To the rest,'s holiday and be merry!
Cheerios and hear from me again soon!
I hope!!!

^^Mr A^^


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